jvm full gc can't unload classes even permgen is full

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Our production server went OOM because permgen is full. Using jmap -permstat to check the permgen area, we found there were many classes loaded by com.sun.xml.ws.client.WSSServiceDelegatingLoader. The loaded classes are com.sun.proxy.$ProxyXXX, where XXX is an int sequence. enter image description here

the stacktrace for these classloading is as follow: enter image description here

eventually, the JVM went OOM, full gc can't reclaim any permgen memory. What is strange is that if I click System GC in VisualVM, the classes are unloaded and the usage of permgen goes down. enter image description here

Our JDK version is, we have added CMSClassUnloadingEnabled.













Our code has been running for a long time. The most recent operation is a WebLogic patch. This really confused me. Could someone give me some help with this issue, many thanks!


There are 1 answers

devwebcl On

This is a known bug https://github.com/javaee/metro-jax-ws/issues/1161

Every time a JAX-WS client is created, for instance, using library JAX-WS RI 2.2 which is bundled in Weblogic Server 12.1.3


Client proxy classes are being loaded into classloader:

([Loaded com.sun.proxy.$Proxy979 from com.sun.xml.ws.client.WSServiceDelegate$DelegatingLoader] )

Solution/Workaround: Replace JAX-WS client where this bug is solved.