Junos Device CLI command giving wrong output when executed from python

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When i try to execute Device.cli(....) command from python it gives me wrong output. What could be the issue?

For example, if i execute below command on directly on Juniper Device CLI, it gives the correct output with match sadasd-sdasd-asdasd.

show configuration | display set | match sadasd-sdasd-asdasd

But if i execute the same command from Junos CLI with python, output is whole configuration instead of matching with filter string.

device = Device(host=host, user=device_ssh_user, ssh_private_key_file=device_ssh_key,

configuration = device.cli("show configuration | display set | match sadasd-sdasd-asdasd") 

There are 2 answers

Vijay Shetty On

It is not recommended to use the cli() method in Pyez. Why? Read the below answer.

Already answered here

Nitin Kr On

Check if this helps

device.rpc.get_config(options={'format': 'set'})