JTree Line Style and Nimbus

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I am using the Nimbus look and feel. According to this link, you should be able to achieve 3 different line styles with your JTree:

enter image description here

While using the following code:

theTree.putClientProperty("JTree.lineStyle", "Horizontal");

My JTree looks like this:

enter image description here

It has the "None" style and not the "Horizontal" style. Any idea why this might be? Does it have something to do with Nmbus? Do I need to call something special after setting that property?



There are 3 answers

Angel Velazquez On

For anyone still interested in this:

The following snippet is working for me.

NewNimbusLookAndFeel laf = new NewNimbusLookAndFeel();

UIDefaults defs = laf.getDefaults();
defs.put("Tree.drawHorizontalLines", true);
defs.put("Tree.drawVerticalLines", true);
defs.put("Tree.linesStyle", "dashed");

try {
} catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) {
    //Error handling code
dogbane On

I don't believe Nimbus supports the JTree.lineStyle property. Only the MetalLookAndFeel does.

Take a look at the source code for javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTreeUI (which is used by Nimbus) and MetalTreeUI (which is used by Metal).

Change to MetalLookAndFeel and see if it works.

user1359010 On

Turns out you can get some of this effect by doing

NimbusLookAndFeel laf = new NimbusLookAndFeel();
nimbUID = laf.getDefaults();
nimbUID.put("Tree.drawHorizontalLines", true);
nimbUID.put("Tree.drawVerticalLines", true);

Not perfect, but close.