I currently use django 3.2 and MySQL as database, I want use MySql Json Field. For this reason use django-mysql third party package in my project.
After create model got this Warning: (django_mysql.W004) django_mysql.models.JSONField is deprecated. HINT: Use django.db.models.JSONField or django-jsonfield-backport instead.
If i use django.db.models.JSONField
as json field, django use specific MySQL's JsonField ? Dose any effect on preformance? Which one has best performance on database?
JsonField in Django for MySQL
7.2k views Asked by A.Motahari At
The documentation here, does not mention a difference in performance. So, probably there is none. It looks like the change is only for supporting all databases with the same unique model field. There is a similar issue in this link. So, you can check that, too. As I read,
is for early versions of Django. So, choose according to your version.