JSON unexpected token ':' from Instagram API

99 views Asked by At

I'm using p5js to load JSON from the instagram API, however when I try loading the JSON I get a 'unexpected token ":"' error on the first colon in the json object

{"more_available": true, "status": "ok" }

that first ':' after 'more_available' triggers the error, and that's not the whole json object, it's way too big, and my only problem is with the first colon

here's my code

function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
  loadJSON(`https://www.instagram.com/instagram/media/`, loadedData, errLoadingData, 'jsonp');
  // console.log(jsonData);

function loadedData(data){


function errLoadingData(err){


and the error

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :

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