I want to post a json string as plain string to a action ,then convert the string to List using gson, but the string is still treated as json object by jquery/webwork, I'm using jquery 1.43+webwork+gson, no jquery json plugin or something.
here is action:
public class ImageAction extends BaseAction {
private String pks;
public void setPks(String pks) {
this.pks = pks;
Gson gson=new Gson();
List<Map> list=gson.fromJson(pks,new TypeToken<List<Map<String,String>>>(){}.getType());
jquery code:
data: {pks:'[{"userName":"theoffspring"}]'},
// dataType:'json',
// traditional: true,
success:function (response) {
if (response.result==false){
// document.location.reload();
I want pks posted as a common string instead of json object. But setPks method turns out not to be invoked when I invoke the jquery code. So strange.
you have'nt serialized the data you are sending through ajax.serialize it at client using JSON.stringify() and send it will be converted to a single string.
modify your code to:
this might work.