JSON.registerObjectMarshaller doesn't work in bootstrap

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When I want to test a customized "render as JSON " method, I used the following code

class BootStrap{
def init = { servletContext ->
 println "change the json before format"
 JSON.registerObjectMarshaller(Date) {
     println "JSON DATE MARSHAL"
     return it.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
 println "change the json after format"

but what printed in the console is like this:

| Compiling 1 source files

| Running Grails application

Active MQ start. ConsumerURL is failover:ssl://xxx.

change the json before format

change the json after format

|Server running. Browse to http://xxx

the strange thing is that the "JSON DATE MARSHAL"didn't be printed. But it worked when I put the code in a controller.

I don't know what happened.

Any suggestion will be appretiated.

Update: Like railsdog said, it seems the closure in the init didn't work.

What I supposed the date format in JSON is like this:2016-12-15 16:44:21

But what I get is 2016-12-15T08:44:21Z.

When I put the marshaller in controller, it worked, and the date format in JSON is as expected:

2016-12-15 16:44:21.

I also get the console output:"JSON DATE MARSHAL".


There are 2 answers

Michal_Szulc On

Instead of registering marshaller check out property grails.databinding.dateformats in your grails application config. You can add there more different date formats which should be handled by your app.

railsdog On

I would assume that registering the object marshaller doesn't actually execute/invoke the closure, hence no debug is emitted.