JSON Jquery Array type

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I have a basic question on JSON Jquery, and it seams I am sort of stuck some at a point of extracting array objects. My Code below is in javascript, and I just wanted some clarifications as what I might be doing wrong here.

$nor = $_SESSION["north"];
$sou =  $_SESSION["south"];
$eas =  $_SESSION["east"];
$wes = $_SESSION["west"];



<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">  
    <title>jQuery JSON test</title>  


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.5.js"></script>  
    <script type="text/javascript">  
    var north = "<?php echo $nor ?>";
        var south = "<?php echo $sou ?>"; 
        var east = "<?php echo $eas ?>";
        var west = "<?php echo $wes ?>";



        alert("begin loop");
        $.getJSON('http://api.geonames.org/earthquakesJSON?north=' + north + ' &south=' + south + '&east=' + east + '&west=' + west +'&callback=?',



So when I use alert(data.earthquakes); I get undefined operation, which is fine but I know here I am getting a response back. However the architecture of the JSON is as following:

{"earthquakes": [
     {"eqid":"2007hear","magnitude":8.4,"lng":101.3815,"src":"us","datetime":"2007-09-12 09:10:26","depth":30,"lat":-4.5172},
     {"eqid":"2007aqbk","magnitude":8,"lng":156.9567,"src":"us","datetime":"2007-04-01 18:39:56","depth":10,"lat":-8.4528},
     {"eqid":"2007hec6","magnitude":7.8,"lng":100.9638,"src":"us","datetime":"2007-09-12 21:49:01","depth":10,"lat":-2.5265}

So I have tried different ways of extracting information such as alert(data.earthquakes[1].eqid); and alert(data.earthquakes.eqid[1]);, however I am not getting the dedicated array as wanted.

Could someone direct me as

  1. how to get the desired architecture result appropriately and
  2. if I want to use array and for loop to extract all the elements into local array,

how to do that?


There are 1 answers


If your JSON object is defined as follows:

var jsonData = {"earthquakes": [
         {"eqid":"2007hear","magnitude":8.4,"lng":101.3815,"src":"us","datetime":"2007-09-12 09:10:26","depth":30,"lat":-4.5172},
         {"eqid":"2007aqbk","magnitude":8,"lng":156.9567,"src":"us","datetime":"2007-04-01 18:39:56","depth":10,"lat":-8.4528},
         {"eqid":"2007hec6","magnitude":7.8,"lng":100.9638,"src":"us","datetime":"2007-09-12 21:49:01","depth":10,"lat":-2.5265}

Try this:

var myData = eval('(' + jsonData + ')');
var firstElement = myData.earthquakes[0];

This is a good point of reference: http://www.json.org/js.html