json encoding in Chicago Boss tutorial doesn't work

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The Chicago Boss tutorial


gives an example of a BossRecord automatically being converted to JSON in a controller response to a GET like this:

pull('GET', [LastTimestamp]) ->
    {ok, Timestamp, Greetings} = boss_mq:pull("new-greetings", list_to_integer(LastTimestamp)),
    {json, [{timestamp, Timestamp}, {greetings, Greetings}]}.

However, this code doesn't work. boss_json will not convert "Greetings" record it gets from the boss_mq:pull, and gives me an unhandled error. I'm having a hard time figuring out what it wants.

16:50:45.634 [error] Unhandled Error: error:function_clause. 
Stacktrace: [{boss_json,json_data1,[[{greeting,"greeting-77","zz"}],[],[]],

16:50:45.636 [info] POST /greeting/create [cbmonitor] 302 0ms

Any ideas why the tutorial example (written several years ago) no longer works in the current version of Chicago Boss?


There are 1 answers

tkowal On

This isn't actually an answer, but it is too long for comment. I run the example code from chicagoboss_tutorial and it works for me. You might try cloning this repository and checking out, what differs.

I also run dbg during execution.

dbg:tpl(boss_json, '_', []).
dbg:p(all, c).

and it gave me following output:

(<0.195.0>) call boss_json:encode([{timestamp,1417745752505174},{greetings,
(<0.195.0>) call boss_json:json_data1([{timestamp,1417745752505174},{greetings,[{greeting,"greeting-4","asdf"}]}],["greeting"],[])
(<0.195.0>) call boss_json:json_data1([{greetings,[{greeting,"greeting-4","asdf"}]}],["greeting"],[{timestamp,1417745752505174}])
(<0.195.0>) call boss_json:json_data1([],["greeting"],[{greetings,[{struct,[{id,<<"greeting-4">>},{greeting_text,<<"asdf">>}]}]},

Second argument of boss_json:encode/2 and boss_json:json_data1 is ModelList and for some reason, you have empty model list. As I said before - try to compare your code with the code from repository.