I am trying to modify a json response from an API (MYOB in this case) so I can update a record within MYOB. This requires me to grab the full json response modify what I need and put the entire json response back to the api.
What is the best way to manipulte the json response as per below.
"Number": "00002024",
"Date": "2020-10-01T00:00:00",
"SupplierInvoiceNumber": "0001234",
"Supplier": {
"Name": "Some Supplier",
"DisplayID": "*None",
"URI": "https://ar2.api.myob.com/accountright/xxx-xxx/Contact/Supplier/xxx-xxx"
"ShipToAddress": "Some Supplier\r\n",
"Terms": {
"PaymentIsDue": "InAGivenNumberOfDays",
"DiscountDate": 0,
"BalanceDueDate": 30,
"DiscountForEarlyPayment": 0.0,
"MonthlyChargeForLatePayment": 0.0,
"DiscountExpiryDate": "2020-10-01T00:00:00",
"Discount": 0.00,
"DiscountForeign": null,
"DueDate": "2020-10-31T00:00:00"
"IsTaxInclusive": true,
"IsReportable": false,
"Lines": [
"RowID": 215233,
"Type": "Transaction",
"Description": "DUMMY",
"UnitOfMeasure": null,
"UnitCount": null,
"UnitPrice": null,
"UnitPriceForeign": null,
"DiscountPercent": null,
"Total": 1.500000,
"TotalForeign": null,
"Account": {
"UID": "xxx-xxx",
"Name": "Office Expenses",
"DisplayID": "1-2345",
"URI": "https://ar2.api.myob.com/accountright/xxx-xxx/Contact/Supplier/xxx-xxx"
"Job": null,
"TaxCode": {
"UID": "xxx-xxx",
"Code": "GST",
"URI": "https://ar2.api.myob.com/accountright/xxx-xxx/Contact/Supplier/xxx-xxx"
"RowVersion": "6983429356563464192"
"Subtotal": 1.000000,
"SubtotalForeign": null,
"Freight": 0.000000,
"FreightForeign": null,
"FreightTaxCode": {
"UID": "xxx-xxx",
"Code": "FRE",
"URI": "https://ar2.api.myob.com/accountright/xxx-xxx/Contact/Supplier/xxx-xxx",
"TotalTax": 0.090000,
"TotalTaxForeign": null,
"TotalAmount": 1.500000,
"TotalAmountForeign": null,
"Category": null,
"Comment": "EZESCAN",
"ShippingMethod": null,
"PromisedDate": null,
"JournalMemo": "Purchase; Some Supplier",
"BillDeliveryStatus": "Nothing",
"AppliedToDate": 0.000000,
"AppliedToDateForeign": null,
"BalanceDueAmount": 1.000000,
"BalanceDueAmountForeign": null,
"Status": "Open",
"LastPaymentDate": null,
"Order": null,
"ForeignCurrency": null,
"CurrencyExchangeRate": null,
"URI": "https://ar2.api.myob.com/accountright/xxx-xxx/Contact/Supplier/xxx-xxx",
"RowVersion": "6262853416184184832"
I need to modify Lines[0]->TotalForeign to add a value "$1.0000" etc.. and the part I am really not sure about is "ForeignCurrency": null
I need to modify it as per below
"ForeignCurrency": {
"UID": "xxx-xxx",
"Code": "USD",
"CurrencyName": "US Dollar",
"CurrencyRate": 0.71428000,
"URI": "https://ar2.api.myob.com/accountright/xxx-xx/GeneralLedger/Currency/xxx-xxx",
"RowVersion": "-6496407278109851648"
I have tried to split the json using string manipulations then make the change then re enconde the json but this doesn;t seem like the correct way to do this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Think I may have worked it out.
$jsonobj = '{ As above reduce for easier reading}';
$arrayData = json_decode($jsonobj, true);
//One way
$replacementData = array('Lines' => array('0' => array('Total' =>'12345678')));
$newArrayData = array_replace_recursive($arrayData, $replacementData);
$replacementData = [
'UID'=> "xxx-xxx",
'Code'=> "USD",
'CurrencyName'=> "US Dollar",
'CurrencyRate'=> 0.71428000,
'URI'=> "https://ar2.api.myob.com/accountright/xxx-xxx/GeneralLedger/Currency/xxx-xxx",
'RowVersion'=> "-6496407278109851648"
//Add the new content data.
$newArrayData['ForeignCurrency'] = $replacementData;
echo "<pre>";
echo json_encode($newArrayData, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
echo "</pre>";