I am attempting to write a slider that changes the value of a number in a box.
I am trying to set the slider's y location to 0 and set the size of the slider to 200px wide and 30px high.
I have already initialized the the slider instance, and the code for the numbered box is written correctly:
NumberSlider ns = new NumberSlider(controller, "number", 0, 10, 5);
ns.setSize(200, 100);
ns.setLocation(400, 200);
When placing this in my view class I get the box with a number 5 in it.
So now that I have the box, how can I use the JSlider so that it interacts with the numbered box?
Here is the full constructor:
public NumberSlider(Controller c, String s, int min, int max,int ini_val){
slider_name = s;
controller = c;
Box box = new Box();
box.setLocation(min, max);
box.setSize(40, 30);
String text = String.valueOf(ini_val);
JSlider jslider = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, min, max, ini_val);