JSDoc prints the list of all the members twice. And in these lists it prints every member also twice. Any idea what could cause this behaviour?
This is my code:
/** @module styles */
* Contains the general styles
* @var _
var _ = StyleSheet.create({});
This is my configuration file:
"tags": {
"allowUnknownTags": true,
"dictionaries": ["jsdoc", "closure"]
"source": {
"include": [ "./styles.js" ],
"includePattern": ".+\\.js$",
"excludePattern": ""
"plugins": [],
"templates": {
"cleverLinks": false,
"monospaceLinks": false
"opts": {
"destination": "./docs/",
"encoding": "utf8"
This is the command to generate the docs:
jsdoc . -c conf.json
This is the result:
I found the error. It happens because in the configuration I'm using:
If I change include to an empty array it outputs everything once. I thought includePattern only filters everything that's included, but that's not the case. It matches the files again.