I am trying to embed a Typeform into my Squarespace website using the Code embed functionality. The text within this section uses h4
, and I am trying to have the text link/button as one line in the h4, but right now, it shows as 3 separate lines like the following
This is the code
< h4> Turn this into reality by < /h4>
<h4 class="typeform-share link" href="https:/ / form.typeform.com / to / frLl707j " data-mode="
drawer_right " style="
color: #3A7685;text-decoration:underline;font-size:20px;" target="_blank"> taking the survey < /h4>
(function() {
var qs, js, q, s, d = document,
gi = d.getElementById,
ce = d.createElement,
gt = d.getElementsByTagName,
id = "typef_orm_share",
b = "https:/ / embed.typeform.com / ";
if (!gi.call(d, id)) {
js = ce.call(d, "
script "); js.id=id; js.src=b+"
embed.js "; q=gt.call(d,"
script ")[0]; q.parentNode.insertBefore(js,q) } })()
<h4>, open until October 30th.</h4>
How do I have the entire h4 block into one line?
This ended up working