Im having a little issue with something, i have a plugin that fetches my twitter feed which works great! however i want it to scroll through the
JS Plugin for twitter fetch / i also added the vticker in here as well
var twitterFetcher = function() {
function v(a) {
return a.replace(/<b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/b>/gi, function(a, f) {
return f
}).replace(/class=".*?"|data-query-source=".*?"|dir=".*?"|rel=".*?"/gi, "")
function l(a, c) {
for (var f = [], g = new RegExp("(^| )" + c + "( |$)"), b = a.getElementsByTagName("*"), h = 0, e = b.length; h < e; h++) g.test(b[h].className) && f.push(b[h]);
return f
var w = "",
k = 20,
x = !0,
m = [],
q = !1,
n = !0,
p = !0,
r = null,
s = !0,
y = !0,
t = null,
z = !0;
return {
fetch: function(a) {
void 0 === a.maxTweets && (a.maxTweets = 20);
void 0 === a.enableLinks && (a.enableLinks = !0);
void 0 === a.showUser && (a.showUser = !0);
void 0 === a.showTime && (a.showTime = !0);
void 0 === a.dateFunction && (a.dateFunction = "default");
void 0 === a.showRetweet && (a.showRetweet = !0);
void 0 === a.customCallback && (a.customCallback = null);
void 0 === a.showInteraction && (a.showInteraction = !0);
if (q) m.push(a);
else {
q = !0;
w = a.domId;
k = a.maxTweets;
x = a.enableLinks;
p = a.showUser;
n = a.showTime;
y = a.showRetweet;
r = a.dateFunction;
t = a.customCallback;
z = a.showInteraction;
var c = document.createElement("script");
c.type = "text/javascript";
c.src = "//" + + "?&lang=en&callback=twitterFetcher.callback&suppress_response_codes=true&rnd=" + Math.random();
callback: function(a) {
var c = document.createElement("div");
c.innerHTML = a.body;
"undefined" === typeof c.getElementsByClassName && (s = !1);
a = [];
var f = [],
g = [],
b = [],
h = [],
e = 0;
if (s)
for (c = c.getElementsByClassName("tweet"); e < c.length;) {
0 < c[e].getElementsByClassName("retweet-credit").length ? b.push(!0) : b.push(!1);
if (!b[e] || b[e] && y) a.push(c[e].getElementsByClassName("e-entry-title")[0]), h.push(c[e].getAttribute("data-tweet-id")), f.push(c[e].getElementsByClassName("p-author")[0]), g.push(c[e].getElementsByClassName("dt-updated")[0]);
} else
for (c = l(c, "tweet"); e < c.length;) a.push(l(c[e], "e-entry-title")[0]), h.push(c[e].getAttribute("data-tweet-id")), f.push(l(c[e], "p-author")[0]), g.push(l(c[e], "dt-updated")[0]), 0 < l(c[e], "retweet-credit").length ? b.push(!0) : b.push(!1), e++;
a.length > k && (a.splice(k, a.length - k), f.splice(k,
f.length - k), g.splice(k, g.length - k), b.splice(k, b.length - k));
c = [];
e = a.length;
for (b = 0; b < e;) {
if ("string" !== typeof r) {
var d = new Date(g[b].getAttribute("datetime").replace(/-/g, "/").replace("T", " ").split("+")[0]),
d = r(d);
g[b].setAttribute("aria-label", d);
if (a[b].innerText)
if (s) g[b].innerText = d;
else {
var u = document.createElement("p"),
A = document.createTextNode(d);
u.setAttribute("aria-label", d);
g[b] = u
} else g[b].textContent = d
d = "";
x ? (p && (d += '<div class="user">' + v(f[b].innerHTML) + "</div>"), d +=
'<p class="tweet">' + v(a[b].innerHTML) + "</p>", n && (d += '<p class="timePosted">' + g[b].getAttribute("aria-label") + "</p>")) : a[b].innerText ? (p && (d += '<p class="user">' + f[b].innerText + "</p>"), d += '<p class="tweet">' + a[b].innerText + "</p>", n && (d += '<p class="timePosted">' + g[b].innerText + "</p>")) : (p && (d += '<p class="user">' + f[b].textContent + "</p>"), d += '<p class="tweet">' + a[b].textContent + "</p>", n && (d += '<p class="timePosted">' + g[b].textContent + "</p>"));
z && (d += '<p class="interact"><a href="' +
h[b] + '" class="twitter_reply_icon">Reply</a><a href="' + h[b] + '" class="twitter_retweet_icon">Retweet</a><a href="' + h[b] + '" class="twitter_fav_icon">Favorite</a></p>');
if (null == t) {
a = c.length;
f = 0;
g = document.getElementById(w);
for (h = "<ul>"; f < a;) h += "<li>" + c[f] + "</li>", f++;
g.innerHTML = h + "</ul>"
} else t(c);
q = !1;
0 < m.length && (twitterFetcher.fetch(m[0]), m.splice(0, 1))
Vertical News Ticker 1.15
Original by: Tadas Juozapaitis ( kasp3rito [eta] gmail (dot) com )
Forked/Modified by: Richard Hollis @richhollis -
var defaults = {
speed: 700,
pause: 4000,
showItems: 2,
mousePause: true,
height: 189,
animate: true,
margin: 0,
padding: 0,
startPaused: false
var internal = {
moveUp: function(state, attribs) {
internal.animate(state, attribs, 'up');
moveDown: function(state, attribs){
internal.animate(state, attribs, 'down');
animate: function(state, attribs, dir) {
var height = state.itemHeight;
var options = state.options;
var el = state.element;
var obj = el.children('ul');
var selector = (dir === 'up') ? 'li:first' : 'li:last';
var clone = obj.children(selector).clone(true);
if(options.height > 0) height = obj.children('li:first').height();
height += (options.margin) + (options.padding*2); // adjust for margins & padding
if(dir==='down') obj.css('top', '-' + height + 'px').prepend(clone);
if(attribs && attribs.animate) {
if(state.animating) return;
state.animating = true;
var opts = (dir === 'up') ? {top: '-=' + height + 'px'} : {top: 0};
obj.animate(opts, options.speed, function() {
$(obj).css('top', '0px');
state.animating = false;
} else {
obj.css('top', '0px');
if(dir==='up') clone.appendTo(obj);
nextUsePause: function() {
var state = $(this).data('state');
var options = state.options;
if(state.isPaused || state.itemCount < 2) return; this, {animate:options.animate} );
startInterval: function() {
var state = $(this).data('state');
var options = state.options;
var initThis = this;
state.intervalId = setInterval(function(){ initThis );
}, options.pause);
stopInterval: function() {
var state = $(this).data('state');
if(!state) return;
if(state.intervalId) clearInterval(state.intervalId);
state.intervalId = undefined;
restartInterval: function() {;;
var methods = {
init: function(options) {
// if init called second time then stop first, then re-init;
// init
var defaultsClone = jQuery.extend({}, defaults);
var options = $.extend(defaultsClone, options);
var el = $(this);
var state = {
itemCount: el.children('ul').children('li').length,
itemHeight: 0,
itemMargin: 0,
element: el,
animating: false,
options: options,
isPaused: (options.startPaused) ? true : false,
pausedByCode: false
$(this).data('state', state);
el.css({overflow: 'hidden', position: 'relative'})
.children('ul').css({position: 'absolute', margin: 0, padding: 0})
.children('li').css({margin: options.margin, padding: options.padding});
if(isNaN(options.height) || options.height === 0)
var current = $(this);
if(current.height() > state.itemHeight)
state.itemHeight = current.height();
// set the same height on all child elements
var current = $(this);
// set element to total height
var box = (options.margin) + (options.padding * 2);
el.height(((state.itemHeight + box) * options.showItems) + options.margin);
// set the preferred height
var initThis = this;
if(!options.startPaused) { initThis );
el.bind("mouseenter", function () {
//if the automatic scroll is paused, don't change that.
if (state.isPaused === true) return;
state.pausedByCode = true;
// stop interval initThis ); initThis, true );
}).bind("mouseleave", function () {
//if the automatic scroll is paused, don't change that.
if (state.isPaused === true && !state.pausedByCode) return;
state.pausedByCode = false;, false);
// restart interval initThis );
pause: function(pauseState) {
var state = $(this).data('state');
if(!state) return undefined;
if(state.itemCount < 2) return false;
state.isPaused = pauseState;
var el = state.element;
if(pauseState) {
else {
next: function(attribs) {
var state = $(this).data('state');
if(!state) return undefined;
if(state.animating || state.itemCount < 2) return false; this );
internal.moveUp(state, attribs);
prev: function(attribs) {
var state = $(this).data('state');
if(!state) return undefined;
if(state.animating || state.itemCount < 2) return false; this );
internal.moveDown(state, attribs);
stop: function() {
var state = $(this).data('state');
if(!state) return undefined; this );
remove: function() {
var state = $(this).data('state');
if(!state) return undefined; this );
var el = state.element;
$.fn.vTicker = function( method ) {
if ( methods[method] ) {
return methods[method].apply( this, arguments, 1 ));
} else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
} else {
$.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.vTicker' );
JS im using to call everything
// Setup twitter feed
function dateFormatter(date) {
return date.toString().split(' ')[1] + ' ' + date.getFullYear() % 100;
var twitterConfig = {
"id": '489803450398433282',
"domId": 'twitterFeed',
"maxTweets": 6,
"enableLinks": true,
"dateFunction": dateFormatter
$(document).ready(function() {
maybe i need to manually add in and call
within the plugin? its never going to be updated so dont mind it going directly in the code if need be
Thanks in advance guys
Resolved, solution was as follows: