So im almost at the end of my school homework project im just missing two major things i can't seem to figure out:
1.How to spawn the pipe obstacles with a random position for the gap so the bird can fly through (tought of using a function which changes the css 'right' attr of the pipe div for the gap position), and removing the pipe when it goes off screen bottom . (Its a inverted flappy bird game like btw..)
2.Second i need a help with the collision detection function so i know when game is over (this is less important tough cause i think i can figure it out after ill solve the first problem)
var screenWidth = $(window).width();//Screen width
var screenHeight = $(window).height();//Screen height
var birdWidth = $("#bird").width();//bird width
var y = 0;//Background y position
var astY = 0;//Pipe position
var bird = {//bird properties
goingLeft: false,
goingRight: false,
lspeed: 0,
rspeed: 0,
maxSpeed: 10
setBirdPosition(screenWidth/2 - birdWidth/2, screenHeight/1.3 - birdWidth/2);
//Start move the screen
function startBackgroundMovement(){
$('body').css('background-position-y',y + 'px');
}, 10);
//bird starting position
function setBirdPosition(posX, posY) {
$("#bird").css("left", posX);
$("#bird").css("top", posY);
bird.position = posX;
(function birdLoop() {
if (bird.goingLeft) {
bird.lspeed = Math.min(bird.lspeed *1.1 || 1, bird.maxSpeed);
} else {
bird.lspeed = Math.max(bird.lspeed - 0.5, 0);
if (bird.goingRight) {
bird.rspeed = Math.min(bird.rspeed *1.1 || 1, bird.maxSpeed);
} else {
bird.rspeed = Math.max(bird.rspeed - 0.5, 0);
bird.position = bird.position + (bird.rspeed - bird.lspeed);
$("#bird").css('left', bird.position);
//Move bird
case 37://left
bird.goingLeft= true;
//left edge of screen
if (bird.position < 0) {
bird.position = 0;
case 39://right
bird.goingRight= true;
//right edge of screen
if (bird.position > screenWidth - birdWidth) {
bird.position = screenWidth - birdWidth;
default: return;
e.preventDefault();//not sure if needed
case 37://left
bird.goingLeft= false;
//left edge of screen
if (bird.position < 0) {
bird.position = 0;
case 39://right
bird.goingRight= false;
//right edge of screen
if (bird.position > screenWidth - birdWidth) {
bird.position = screenWidth - birdWidth;
default: return;
e.preventDefault();//not sure if needed
function spawnPipe()//spawn pipes
astY += 1;
$("#fullPipe").css("top", astY);
}, 10);
Check this :
The pipes happen at a regular interval or distance. You can either check the time elapsed or you can check the distance traveled by existing pipes.
Pipes have width and height, as well as position. Essentially, your pipes are boxes. This also means the same for the bird. I believe it's called a "bounding box". You can check if any of the edges of the bird if it intersects with the edges of the box.