I'm trying to take a sentence and go through flashing the words, and the last word fade out, for a longer period.
For some reason it's only doing the last string in the array.
Thanks for your time : )
$(function() {
//take sentence
var lines = [
'Apples are red',
'Sky is blue',
'Grass is green'
//set index
var i = 0;
function showLinesHelper() {
//take line and split into words
words = lines[i].split(' ');
$.each(words, function(k, v) {
//take each word and flash
if(k != words.length) {
//if not last word
setTimeout(function() {
//display word into class
//take array index x milliseconds
}, k * 500);
}else {
//last word
setTimeout(function() {
//display word into class
//take array index x milliseconds
//show last word for a longer amount of time
}, k * 1000);
if(i < lines.length) {
//if array is less than index, call again
setTimeout(showLinesHelper(), 0);
<div class="words">
I did some changes to your code, I created a new variable time to keep a new count for the timeout and added a -1 to the IF condition because the array length start at 0 and the ELSE was never hit it.