jQuery and Ninja Forms WordPress Plugin

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I want to change the value of a Ninja Form input with jQuery, eg:


But this just wont work, probably because values and calculations are done in the back by PHP.

A + B gives me the Total

What I want is ether to have jQuery "auto type" text into field or to extract given value of the total input.

I said "auto type" because A and B values are being calculated only when I manually type them on keyboard. When I used $('#ninja_forms_field_6').val(somevalue) - the value shows up as if it is typed but calculation does not happen. The other solution for me is to get the calculated value/text that shows up in the Total input after calculation, but as you can see in the image the input tag stays empty.

<input id="ninja_forms_field_8" name="ninja_forms_field_8" value="0" disabled="" class="ninja-forms-field " rel="8" type="text"></input>

Input for the total stays empty whether its showing the result or not.

If you can help me with this, you would have my eternal gratitude.


There are 2 answers

soosuke On

Try to trigger a "change" event after changing the value of the field:


That worked for me in some select fields, I don't know if it will work on other types of fields. Maybe trying some other jquery event type will work if "change" does not.

Tony On

If you are trying to change a field in Ninja Forms 3.2.1, it appears that Ninja Forms 3 has changed #ninja_forms_field_ to #nf-field- as documented here: http://developer.ninjaforms.com/codex/changing-field-values/

I have not been able to successfully change a field in Ninja Forms 3.x and I would appreciate any tips from those who have been successful.