Right now, I am using the method multiselect of CriteriaQuery to put some values from entity Termine in entity Task like this:
CriteriaBuilder builder = getEm().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Task> taskCriteria = builder.createQuery(Task.class);
Root<Termin> terminRoot = taskCriteria.from(Termin.class);
taskCriteria.multiselect(terminRoot.get("text"), terminRoot.get("empfaenger"), terminRoot.get("datVon"));
taskCriteria.where(builder.equal(terminRoot.get("empfaenger"), "000"));
List<Task> task = getEm().createQuery(taskCriteria).getResultList();
return task;
This is working fine, but now I am willing to gather the values text, empfaenger and datVon not only from the entity Termine but also from the entity Aufgabe, so that I will have a list of Tasks, that contains every Termin and Aufgabe which are having the same empfaenger.
Is it possible? If yes, how?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help!
I would derive both classes from task.
And select them with a named query
or a criteria query with Task as Root.