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Relating to joint_tests doesn't recognize asin.sqrt transformation via make.tran() I have emmeans 1.8.8

dummy <- expand.grid(
  covar  = runif(72, min = 0, max = 1),
  resp = runif(72, min = 0, max = 2),
  site = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "g"),
  C = 1:4,
  R = c("i", "j", "k")

as.tran <- make.tran("asin.sqrt")

mod <- with(as.tran, lm(sqrt(resp) ~ site  +  C * R * linkfun(covar), data = dummy))

This joint_tests command did not give any row that involved the covar.

model term df1    df2 F.ratio p.value
 site         5 373231   0.000  1.0000
 C            1 373231   0.000  1.0000
 R            2 373231   0.000  1.0000
 C:R          2 373231   0.000  1.0000

Switching resp and covar, and the joint_tests(mod2) below gave the full ancova model

mod2 <- with(as.tran, lm( linkfun(covar) ~ site  +  C * R * sqrt(resp), data = dummy))
 model term df1    df2 F.ratio p.value
 site         5 373231   0.000  1.0000
 C            1 373231   0.000  1.0000
 R            2 373231   0.000  1.0000
 resp         1 373231   0.000  1.0000
 C:R          2 373231   0.000  1.0000
 C:resp       1 373231   0.000  1.0000
 R:resp       2 373231   0.000  1.0000
 C:R:resp     2 373231   0.000  1.0000

With asin, joint_tests recognize on-the-fly transformation of the covariate outside of make.tran()

mod3 <- lm( sqrt(resp) ~ site  +  C * R * asin(covar), data = dummy)

 model term df1    df2 F.ratio p.value
 site         5 373231   0.000  1.0000
 C            1 373231   0.000  1.0000
 R            2 373231   0.000  1.0000
 covar        1 373231   0.000  1.0000
 C:R          2 373231   0.000  1.0000
 C:covar      1 373231   0.000  1.0000
 R:covar      2 373231   0.000  1.0000
 C:R:covar    2 373231   0.000  1.0000

but not in make.tran()

a.tran = make.tran("asin")

mod4 <- with(a.tran, lm(sqrt(resp) ~ site  +  C * R * linkfun(covar), data = dummy))


 model term df1    df2 F.ratio p.value
 site         5 373231   0.000  1.0000
 C            1 373231   0.000  1.0000
 R            2 373231   0.000  1.0000
 C:R          2 373231   0.000  1.0000

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