I need some database assistance.
I have the following tables:
I need to pull out an Event with the data from the EventType Table to assign and Event that has an EventType linked to a User.
I am using Moor and they cater for joins, I just need some assistance with the query. Currently I have been trying this:
Stream<EventWithType> eventWithType(EventData eventTypeId) {
final query = select(event)
..where((tbl) {
return tbl.id.equals(eventTypeId.id);
innerJoin(eventType, eventType.id.equals(eventTypeId.eventTypeId)),
class EventWithType {
final EventData event;
final EventTypeData eventTypeData;
EventWithType(this.event, this.eventTypeData);
but I know I am doing something wrong I am just not sure how to do joins, or even if I am using the correct join?
TIA x10sion
Supposing we have such tables named as events, eventTypes & users, we can write the join as: