JobSheduler complex rules

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I'm trying to implement a complex, time based, set of rules for scheduling jobs on Android Lollipop. I need to run an System API and a bulk insert in the DB, so it shouldn't take more than 2-3 seconds. I'll call it JOB1. The rules are:

  1. Run JOB1 at app startup (easy, just run an AsyncTask at Application onCreate).
  2. Run JOB1 every approximately 4 hours.
  3. Run JOB1 ONLY if it wasn't ran in the last 4 hours [optional - not even at app start time]
  4. Run JOB1 at exactly 23:59 (or 11:59pm), regardless of rule 3.

I don't think that a single instance of JobScheduler can follow all these rules or at least I still haven't figured it out.


    JobScheduler jobs = (JobScheduler) getSystemService(JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE);
    JobInfo.Builder b = new JobInfo.Builder(SYNC_JOB_ID,
            new ComponentName(this, SyncJobService.class));
    b.setPeriodic(getPeriod(6)) //6 hours

Calling this at Application startup will override the previous call or I'll have different instances of JobScheduler running every 6 hours?


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