I have received the following error when trying to save a DSX Scheduled Job:
Job schedule entry could not be created. Status code: 500
Screenshot of the error message:
I've tried about six times over the last few hours and have consistently received the above error message.
Debugging via the browser network inspection tool I can see:
"message":"The service is not responding, try again later.",
"body":"While attempting to get Bluemix Token from BlueIDToken, unable to retrieve AccessToken, failed with status 400 Bad Request, message = {\"error\":\"invalid_grant\",\"error_description\":\"A redirect_uri can only be used by implicit or authorization_code grant types.\"} Entity: {\"error\":\"invalid_grant\",\"error_description\":\"A redirect_uri can only be used by implicit or authorization_code grant types.\"}",
As per Charles comment, the functionality is working ok now. I guess if this happens to another user some time in the future they should contact support.