JMH puzzle: StringBuilder vs StringBand

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I am having hard time to understand what is going on with this benchmark. I want to measure how my sample class StringBand works in comparison to StringBuilder. The idea with StringBand is to concatenate strings at the toString(), not on the append().


Here is the StringBand source - stripped down for benchmark:

public class StringBandSimple {

private String[] array;
private int index;
private int length;

public StringBandSimple(int initialCapacity) {
    array = new String[initialCapacity];

public StringBandSimple append(String s) {
    if (s == null) {
        s = StringPool.NULL;
    if (index >= array.length) {
    array[index++] = s;
    length += s.length();
    return this;

public String toString() {
    if (index == 0) {
        return StringPool.EMPTY;

    char[] destination = new char[length];
    int start = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
        String s = array[i];
        int len = s.length();
        //char[] chars = UnsafeUtil.getChars(s);
        //System.arraycopy(chars, 0, destination, start, len);
        s.getChars(0, len, destination, start);
        start += len;
    return new String(destination);

This code uses: UnsafeUtil.getChars() to actually get String char[] without copying, see the code here. We can also use getChars() and its still the same.

Here is the JMH test:

public class StringBandBenchmark {

String string1;
String string2;

public void prepare() {
    int len = 20;
    string1 = RandomStringUtil.randomAlphaNumeric(len);
    string2 = RandomStringUtil.randomAlphaNumeric(len);

public String stringBuilder2() {
    return new StringBuilder(string1).append(string2).toString();

public String stringBand2() {
    return new StringBandSimple(2).append(string1).append(string2).toString();



Here is my understanding of what is going on when adding two strings of 20 chars.


  • new char[20+16] is created (36 chars)
  • arraycopy is called to copy 20 string1 chars to StringBuilder
  • before second appending, StringBuilder expands the capacity, since 40 > 36
  • therefore, new char[36*2+2] is created
  • arraycopy of 20 chars to new buffer
  • arraycopy of 20 chars to append sencond string2
  • finally, toString() returns new String(buffer, 0, 40)


  • new String[2] is created
  • both appending just keep strings in the internal buffer, until toString() is called
  • length is incremented twice
  • new char[40] is created (total length of resulting string)
  • arraycopy of 20 first string chars (UnsafeUtil provides real char[] buffer of a string)
  • arraycopy of 20 second string chars
  • finally, returns new String(buffer, 0, 40)


With StringBand we have:

  • one less arraycopy - what is the whole purpose of doing this
  • less allocation size: new String[] and new char[] vs. two new char[]
  • plus we don't have many checks as in StringBuilder methods (for size etc)

So I would expect that StringBand works at least the same as StringBuilder, if not faster.

Benchmark results

Im running benchmark on MacBookPro, mid 2013. Using JMH v0.2 and Java 1.7b45


java -jar build/libs/microbenchmarks.jar .*StringBand.* -wi 2 -i 10 -f 2 -t 2

Number of warmup iterations (2) is fine, as I can see that second iteration reaches the same performance.

Benchmark                                    Mode Thr     Count  Sec         Mean   Mean error    Units
j.b.s.StringBandBenchmark.stringBand2       thrpt   2        20    1    37806.993      174.637   ops/ms
j.b.s.StringBandBenchmark.stringBuilder2    thrpt   2        20    1    76507.744      582.131   ops/ms

Results are saying that StringBuilder is twice faster. The same happens when I eg rise the number of threads to 16, or use explicitly BlackHoles in the code.



There are 2 answers

Aleksey Shipilev On BEST ANSWER

Ok, as usual, "the owls are not what they seem". Reasoning about code performance by inspecting the Java code quickly gets weird. Reasoning by looking into the bytecode feels the same. Generated code disassembly should shed more light on this, even though there are minor cases where the assembly is too high-level to explain the phenomenon.

That is because platforms heavily optimize the code, at every level. Here is the hint where you should look. Running you benchmark at i5 2.0 GHz, Linux x86_64, JDK 7u40.


Benchmark                                    Mode Thr     Count  Sec         Mean   Mean error    Units
j.b.s.StringBandBenchmark.stringBand2       thrpt   2        20    1    25800.465      297.737   ops/ms
j.b.s.StringBandBenchmark.stringBuilder2    thrpt   2        20    1    55552.936      876.021   ops/ms

Yeah, surprising. Now, watch this. Nothing in my sleeves, except for...


Benchmark                                    Mode Thr     Count  Sec         Mean   Mean error    Units
j.b.s.StringBandBenchmark.stringBand2       thrpt   2        20    1    25727.363      207.979   ops/ms
j.b.s.StringBandBenchmark.stringBuilder2    thrpt   2        20    1    17233.953      219.510   ops/ms

Forbidding VM from string optimizations yield the "expected" result, as laid out in the original analysis. HotSpot is known to have the optimizations around StringBuilders, effectively recognizing the usual idioms like new StringBuilder().append(...).append(...).toString() and producing more effective code for the statement.

Disassembling and figuring out what exactly happened with the string optimization applied is left as exercise for the interested readers :)

Damian Leszczyński - Vash On

First of all you store more data in memory because of object overhead using this type of approach.

The reason of that performance issue might be this part

char[] chars = UnsafeUtil.getChars(s);
System.arraycopy(chars, 0, destination, start, len); 

As there is not way to obtain the char[] from a String you must copy it to memory and then copy it back to destination.

What you could try is to replace it with


This give you access to char[] directly in String and pass it to System.arraycopy.