jlink plugin fails with io.netty export error

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When im running mvn clean verify with maven-jlink-plugin 3.1.0 plugin, it gives me an error

[ERROR] Error: Modules io.netty.codec.xml and io.netty.codec export package io.netty.handler.codec.xml to module io.netty.transport.rxtx

Im trying to make custom JRE for my javafx app, im new to this and don't understand what to do with this message

Part of my pom

        <!-- configuration elements goes here -->

My module info requires

requires javafx.controls;
requires javafx.fxml;
requires javafx.graphics;
requires io.netty.buffer;
requires io.netty.codec;
requires io.netty.transport;
requires io.netty.common;
requires io.netty.handler;
requires fast.md5;
requires static lombok;
requires java.desktop;
requires com.sun.jna;
requires com.sun.jna.platform;
requires json.simple;
requires com.google.gson;

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