I am using JIRA REST API for querying issues with below jql
jql=project =SLUB and "Agile Team" in ("Iris (B2C)")&fieldsByKeys=true&fields=status&maxResults=1
I am getting api response as
"expand": "names,schema",
"startAt": 0,
"maxResults": 1,
"total": 1172,
"issues": [
"expand": "operations,versionedRepresentations,editmeta,changelog,renderedFields",
"id": "35988",
"self": "https://xyz.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/35988",
"key": "SLUB-7071",
"fields": {
"status": {
"self": "https://xyz.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/status/10200",
"description": "",
"iconUrl": "https://xyz.atlassian.net/",
"name": "To Do",
"id": "10200",
"statusCategory": {
"self": "https://xyz.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/statuscategory/2",
"id": 2,
"key": "new",
"colorName": "blue-gray",
"name": "To Do"
How can I only fetch status name instead of complete status resource. Please suggest.
https://docs.atlassian.com/jira/REST/latest/#d2e3181 Check This .
The fields param (which can be specified multiple times) gives a comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. This can be used to retrieve a subset of fields. A particular field can be excluded by prefixing it with a minus.
By default, only navigable (*navigable) fields are returned in this search resource. Note: the default is different in the get-issue resource -- the default there all fields (*all).
*all - include all fields
*navigable - include just navigable fields summary,comment - include just the summary and comments
-description - include navigable fields except the description (the default is *navigable for search)
Copied From Here.