JHipster with MDHT library

98 views Asked by At

I included MDHT in pom.xml


And I have created a method in resource as below where I wanted to load patients profile information

public ResponseEntity<PatientProfileDTO> getPatientProfile(@PathVariable Long id) { 
try {
    PatientProfileDTO patientProfileDTO = new PatientProfileDTO();

    ContinuityOfCareDocument ccDocument = (ContinuityOfCareDocument) CDAUtil.load(new FileInputStream("patient_ccd.xml"));

    //set patientProfileDTO here by reading patient_ccd.xml 

    return ResponseUtil.wrapOrNotFound(Optional.ofNullable(patientProfileDTO));
} catch (Exception e) {
    return ResponseEntity.badRequest().headers(HeaderUtil.createFailureAlert(ENTITY_NAME, "Error", "An exception occured while reading patient profile")).body(null);

I get exception org.openhealthtools.mdht.uml.cda.impl.ClinicalDocumentImpl cannot be cast to org.openhealthtools.mdht.uml.cda.ccd.ContinuityOfCareDocument on line ContinuityOfCareDocument ccDocument = (ContinuityOfCareDocument) CDAUtil.load(new FileInputStream("patient_ccd.xml"));

Has anyone encountered such issue or can suggest any any solution? I had been struggling for two days...


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