Jetpack Compose LazyList - possible to zoom the center item?

1.5k views Asked by At

I am wondering if it is possible to have a list where you can scroll through - and all the items have a simple view which is shown by default and then a more detailed view which is shown when the item has a specific position on the screen eg. in the center.

| + | Item              |
| + | Item              |
| + | Item              |
|+++| Item Title        <
|+++|                   |
|+++| Item desciption   <
| + | Item              |
| + | Item              |
| + | Item              |

There are 2 answers

nglauber On BEST ANSWER

I don't know if understood your question...

If you want to do some action in according with the item position and scroll, you can use the firstVisibleItemIndex and layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo. The sample below will display the item located at the center with a bigger padding...:

val state = rememberLazyListState()
val midIndex by remember(state.firstVisibleItemIndex) {
    derivedStateOf { {
            val firstVisibleIndex = state.firstVisibleItemIndex
            if (isEmpty()) -1 else firstVisibleIndex + (last().index - firstVisibleIndex) / 2
    state = state
) {
    itemsIndexed(items) { index, item ->
        val bgColor = if (index == midIndex) Color.Gray else Color.Transparent
        val padding = if (index == midIndex) 32.dp else 8.dp
            .background(bgColor, RoundedCornerShape(8.dp))
            .padding(horizontal = 8.dp, vertical = padding)
        ) {
            Text(text = item)

enter image description here

Ethan Choi On

possible to zoom the center item?


Detect center item position using LazyListState

Try as below

fun Example() {
    val lazyState = rememberLazyListState()

    val centerPosition by remember { // caching position for prevent recomposition 
        derivedStateOf {
            val visibleInfo = lazyState.layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo
            if (visibleInfo.isEmpty()) -1
            else {
                //TODO: enhance calculate logic for specific position
                val offset = (visibleInfo.last().index - visibleInfo.first().index) / 2
                visibleInfo.first().index + offset

        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
        state = lazyState
    ) {
        itemsIndexed(/* your items */) { index, item ->
            Child(expanded = index == centerPosition)

fun Child(
    expanded: Boolean
) {
    if (expanded) {
        //show your expanded layout
    } else {
        //show your collapsed layout