Jenkins-How to achieve the two jobs are mutual dependency

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Jenkins CI is a very powerful tool, some plugins can be installed using it. Lately I have had a demand about two parallel processing jobs. We know that a lot of plugins have achieved this functionality, such as join plugin, Trigger parameterized plugin and so on. However I need another functionality as well.

The new functionality we want is the following:
Job A and Job B are processing parallel, if job A build fails, then Job B stops running instantly.

I haven't found any plugin achieving that.

Can you help me and inform me if there is any plugin with such functionality?

Thank you very much!


There are 3 answers

afxentios On

You can use Post Build task plugin on your Job A and Job B.

You can set it to run when the jobs are failed: Log Text -> BUILD FAILED

And when the build is failed you can execute a Script to stop the job you want to be stopped using the jenkins API as it is being discussed here.

Ankit Gupta On

Use DSL Script with Build Flow plugin.

     JOB A
       |------> JOB B
       |------> JOB C 
                  |------> JOB D

try this Example for your execution:

build("job A")

parallel ( {build("job B")} {build("job C")} )

build("job D")

Ingyu Seo On

You can use pipeline parallel keyword.

stage('parallel job'){
                steps{ build 'job-1'}
                steps{ build 'job-2'}

Job-1 and Job-2 runs in parallel. If job-1 fails while job-2 is running, then job2 is aborted.

It goes to next stage, only if all parallel stages are done in success.