Jenkins build error after slave change

208 views Asked by At

The build for this job is getting failed because of the following error.

I'm not sure what this is about. Can anyone help me resolve this?

console error


There are 1 answers

G. Ann - SonarSource Team On

The first "[ERROR]" line ends with the problem: "Unsupported major.minor version 52.0"

This means there's a problem with a version of... something. A quick search would reveal that that's the error returned when you're trying to run something (in this case the analysis) with an incompatible version of Java.

The "52.0" at the end could be clearer, but this answer decodes that number to Java 8, which is actually the version that's required to run analysis, not the version you're running.

So. Upgrade your version of Java and/or make sure any copy of Java 8 that's already on the machine is used for analysis.