Jekyll Code snippet copy-to-clipboard button

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The Problem

I am building a Jekyll site with the minima theme to publish some tutorial online. The tutorial pages contain many code snippets, for example:

/* Global scope: this code is executed once */
const redis = require('redis');

const host = <HOSTNAME>;
const port = <PORT>;
const password = <PASSWORD>;


I would like to add a "copy to clipboard" button to each code snippet (example), but not sure what's the right way to do it in Jekyll.

What have I tried

  • Using It requires a unique ID for each snippet, and I'm not sure how to implement this in Jekyll/Markdown.
  • STFW

My question

How can I add a "Copy to Clipboard" button for code snippets in Jekyll?


There are 2 answers

marcanuy On

Manually generate id's for each block of code with kramdown's Block Inline Attribute Lists, adding {: #code-example-1} after it.

In your example:

/* Global scope: this code is executed once */
const redis = require('redis');

const host = <HOSTNAME>;
const port = <PORT>;
const password = <PASSWORD>;

{: #code-example-1}

That will generate:

<div id="code-example-1" class="language-javascript highlighter-rouge">

using jquery

Code blocks use thecode html element, if we detect it, then we load the js, traverse all code elements adding a custom id, and a button to copy their content. Finally initialize the Clipboard buttons.

{% if page.content contains "code" %}
<!-- clipboard.js code -->
{% endif %}

// get all <code> elements
var allCodeBlocksElements = $( "code" );

allCodeBlocksElements.each(function(i) {
  // add different id for each code block

 // target 
  var currentId = "codeblock" + (i + 1);
  $(this).attr('id', currentId);
  var clipButton = '<button class="btn" data-clipboard-target="#' + currentId + '"><img src="" width="13" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button>';
  new Clipboard('.btn');
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<code>print("Club Nacional de Football")</code>
<code>print("is a sports institution")</code>
<code>print("from Uruguay")</code>

David Jacquel On

Let's use includes.

front matter things here
{%- capture code -%}
/* Some js code */
const redis = require('redis');
const host = <HOSTNAME>;
{%- endcapture -%}

{% include code=code language='javascript' %}

{%- capture code -%}
# Some ruby code
t =
{%- endcapture -%}

{% include code=code language='ruby' %}


{% assign code = include.code %}
{% assign language = include.language %}

``` {{ language }}
{{ code }}
{% assign nanosecond = "now" | date: "%N" %}
<textarea id="code{{ nanosecond }}" style="display:none;">{{ code | xml_escape }}</textarea>
<button id="copybutton{{ nanosecond }}" data-clipboard-target="#code{{ nanosecond }}">
  Copy to clipboard

var copybutton = document.getElementById('copybutton{{ nanosecond }}');
var clipboard{{ nanosecond }} = new Clipboard(copybutton);

clipboard{{ nanosecond }}.on('success', function(e) {
clipboard{{ nanosecond }}.on('error', function(e) {