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Jeditable Problem in castle monorail

Asked by At

I am trying to use Jeditables ( in my first castle monorail mvc application

I managed to have the textbox appearing and to the the ajax call, my problem is now that after the ajax call the edited text returs is not changes and i can t get the response after the call

this is my page

 <link href="../../Styles/Main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="../../JavaScript/jQuery1.4.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../../JavaScript/EditInLine.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

 <script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
   $('.editable').editable('/Home/Save', { 
        id        : 'editableId',
           name    : 'editableText',
     type      : 'textarea',
     cancel    : 'Cancel',
     submit    : 'OK',
     indicator : '<img src="img/indicator.gif">',
     tooltip   : 'Click to edit...',
     width     : '200',
     style     : 'display: inline',
     callbac   : function(value, settings) {
      return value;



<label id='1' class='editable '>Some text</label>


and this my controller

using Castle.MonoRail.Framework;
using System;
using EditInLine.Model.Interfaces;
using EditInLine.Model;

namespace EditInLine.Controllers
    [Layout("Default"), Rescue("Default")]
    public class HomeController : SmartDispatcherController
        private EditableElement editableElement;
        private EditableElement EditableElement
                if (Session["EditableElement"] == null)
                    Session["EditableElement"] = new EditableElement { Id = 1, Text = "Some text", CssClass = "editable" };
                return (EditableElement)Session["EditableElement"];

        public void Index()
            PropertyBag["IsAdmin"] = true;
            PropertyBag["element"] = EditableElement;

        public void Save()
            var elementId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["editableId"]);
            var text = Request.Form["editableText"];  

            var element = new EditableElement { Id = elementId, CssClass = "editable", Text = text };

            Session["EditableElement"] = element;            



thanks for you help

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