javax.persistence.version causes the Id of an entity to remain null in the transaction

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I have two entities with typical primary foreign key relationship. id in EntityA is has foreign key relationship in EntityB. I am trying to persist entity A and entity B in same transaction.

Entity A
@GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
private Long id;

private Integer version;

Entity B
@JoinColumn(name = "id_fk")
private EntityA entityA;

private Integer version;

I am using javax.persistence.version annotation to perform the optimistic locking on version column. I have two statements

   2. EntityB entityB = generateEntityB(entityA)

The statement number 3 fails with exception that entity A id is null and entityB can not be saved with id null of entity A. I tried to use entityManager.flush() after statement 1 but the id of entity A is not getting generated when line 3 is encountered.

How to change the code so that Id of entity A gets generated and persisted so that when entityB tries to get that primary key of entity A it is not null?


There are 1 answers

somename On

If anyone is having the same issue the save operation of CrudRepository of Spring Data may return entirely different instance of entity so you will have to do following.

   1. entityA =
   2. EntityB entityB = generateEntityB(entityA)