I was reading the article on Javascript Objects (http://javascriptissexy.com/javascript-objects-in-detail/), so I copy-pasted the following code into my Notepad++ and ran it in Chrome(Version 55.0.2883.87 m). Upon opening the console, console reports SyntaxError. Does someone have an idea why? Everything seems ok.
// We have been using dot notation so far in the examples above, here is another example again:
var book = {title: "Ways to Go", pages: 280, bookMark1:"Page 20"};
// To access the properties of the book object with dot notation, you do this:
console.log(book.title); // Ways to Go
console.log(book.pages); // 280
If you copy everything you just pasted and write it in the console, you would see that there are some unicode characters (
) in your code which are actually theInvalid or unexpected token
in the error that you are getting, you don't see them because they are zero-width spaced, so just remove them and the code would run perfectly as shown belowYou can find more about the zero width space character here: http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/200b/index.htm