Javascript - Prevent exponotial notation in style

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I have a script where I need to assign values for style.left but all borwsers convert integers into exponentials notation if superior to 1e+06 for webkit browser and superior to 1e+07 for others. Any exponential notation are not renderered in a style attribute (like for left, right, translate, etc...).

For example if I assign to a div this style manually: = 1000000+'px';
// or = '1000000px';

Both return in the browser (Google Chrome for example)

<div style="left: 1e+06px;"></div>

And this notation doesn't work to render a style property. It's quite strange that all browsers convert an integer superior to 1 000 000 (or 10 000 000) in exponential notation in a style attribute which doesn't support exponential notation... I tried to use .toPrecision() .toFixed(), etc... but all browsers treat css value after the value is assign.

Is there any way to prevent this behaviour?


There are 1 answers

bobo On

Curious why you have to use such a huge numbers, but this works as intended

div.setAttribute('style', 'left: 1000000px')