I have a partial that gets loaded every 3 seconds using AJAX (Prototype framework), this way:
<script type="text/javascript">
new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater('content', '/shouts/update.js', { method: 'get', frequency: 1});
this is the part of the controller that loads the partial:
respond_to do |format|
format.js {render(:partial => 'content', :locals => {:content => @last_shout.content})}
this is the content of the partial "_content.html.erb" :
<h2><%= content %></h2>
So far everything works great.
I want to add, that every time the partial will be reloaded, it will be fadeIn using Scriptaculous framework. I added this code to the _content.html.erb partial:
<script type="text/javascript">
$('content').fade({ duration: 3.0, from: 0, to: 1 });
The problem was that instead of executing the code every time the partial gets reloaded, it executed it only one time. What do I need to do on order to make javascript code execute every time the partial gets loaded ?
I would move the fading part into the AjaxUpdater:
It could be a matter of timing (the text is replaced before onComplete is called, but the script within the text is evaluated earlier.)