JavaScript: Listen for attribute change?

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Is it possible in JavaScript to listen for a change of attribute value? For example:

var element=document.querySelector('…');
element.addEventListener( ? ,doit,false);


function doit() {


I would like to respond to any change in the something attribute.

I have read up on the MutationObserver object, as well as alternatives to that (including the one which uses animation events). As far as I can tell, they are about changes to the actual DOM. I’m more interested in attribute changes to a particular DOM element, so I don’t think that’s it. Certainly in my experimenting it doesn’t seem to work.

I would like to do this without jQuery.



There are 3 answers


You need MutationObserver, Here in snippet I have used setTimeout to simulate modifying attribute

var element = document.querySelector('#test');
setTimeout(function() {
  element.setAttribute('data-text', 'whatever');
}, 5000)

var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
  mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
    if (mutation.type === "attributes") {
      console.log("attributes changed");

      // Example of accessing the element for which 
      // event was triggered = "Attribute of the element changed";

observer.observe(element, {
  attributes: true //configure it to listen to attribute changes
<div id="test">Dummy Text</div>

Additionally, property gives the reference to mutated/changed node.

Rodney On

Use pub/sub (took this from someone who, no doubt, rightfully stole it from someone else):

        PubSub: function () {

        //var topics = {};
        //var hOP = topics.hasOwnProperty;
        var hasProp = Me.Subscriptions.hasOwnProperty;

        return {
            Subscribe: function (topic, listener) {
                // Create the topic's object if not yet created
                if (!, topic)) Me.Subscriptions[topic] = [];

                // Add the listener to queue
                var index = Me.Subscriptions[topic].push(listener) - 1;

                // Provide handle back for removal of topic
                return {
                    remove: function () {
                        delete Me.Subscriptions[topic][index];
            Publish: function (topic, info) {
                // If the topic doesn't exist, or there's no listeners in queue, just leave
                if (!, topic)) return;

                // Cycle through topics queue, fire!
                Me.Subscriptions[topic].forEach(function (item) {
                    item(info != undefined ? info : {});



PubSub.Subscriber().Publish('AppLoaded', true);


PubSub.Subscriber().Subscribe('AppLoaded', function (result) {

    //I can now do things I'll tell my friends I did anyway
scipper On

This question is already answered, but I'd like to share my experiences, because the mutation observer did not bring me the insights in needed.

Note This is some kind of hacky solution, but for (at least) debugging purposes quite good.

You can override the setAttribute function of a particalar element. This way you can also print the callstack, and get an insight of "who" changed the attribute value:

// select the target element
const target = document.querySelector("#element");
// store the original setAttribute reference
const setAttribute = target.setAttribute;
// override setAttribte
target.setAttribute = (key: string, value: string) => {
  // use call, to set the context and prevent illegal invocation errors, key, value); 