javascript code with php into .tpl prestashop

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I'm trying to do a conditional selector with javascript and php. I have already done before, but in wordpress (pure php), now I have to adapt to prestashop (.tpl file).

It is not so easy to write php inside a .tpl, and updated the Smarty to SmartyBC class. But I is still complicated


class certificadosControllerCore extends FrontController{

      public $php_self = 'certificados';

      public function init(){
      public function initContent(){

function ConectarBD() {
 // connect to db

function TraerProd() {    
//get all products 

function TraerAttr($vid_prod) {
 //get atributtes 

As is the logic? I'm using the labels {php} php code {/ php} {literal} js code {/ literal}

I show them a piece of my code where prestashop apparently not interpreted well.



var_attr = '<option value="default" selected>Diametro</option>';
sel_attr = $('#attr');

$('select').change(function() {
    switch( {

    case 'producto':


        if (this.value == 'Válvula_de_bloqueo_Pead' ) {
            for (i = 0; i < Válvula_de_bloqueo_Pead.length; i++) {
                            '<option value="' + Válvula_de_bloqueo_Pead[i] + '">' + Válvula_de_bloqueo_Pead[i] + '</option>'



if (!empty($Prod)) { 

            for ($k = 0; $k < $cntProd; $k++) {

                $_prod = $Prod[$k]['name']; $_prod = str_replace(array(' ', '-', '"', '/', '.', 'ñ'), array('_', '_', '', '_', '_', 'n'), $_prod);


                if (!empty($Attr)) {

                    echo '} else if (this.value =='.$_prod.') { for (i = 0; i <'.$_prod.'.length; i++) { $("#attr").append("    <option value="\'+'.$_prod.'[i]+\'">\'+'.$_prod.'[i]+\'</option>");}';

            } /* cierre if, for (php) */ 


        } //cierre if (js)

Seeing the results chain shows me the cut, I think that's excessive use of the labels {php} and {literal}

This is the JSFiddle to have an idea of what I want to accomplish, I repeat, as I have in wp, but .tpl file complicates me all :(

I hope you can help me, sorry for my bad English. Thanks!


There are 1 answers

Fil0z0 On

in tpl you should read your php variable only using smarty (prestashop template system), literal is used to don't read what is inside {} as php variable so you can declare a js object for example.

in your controller you should assign your variable to tpl like this:

            'link' => $this->context->link,
            'collectionList' => $collectionList, 

Even in your loop you need to use "smarty way"

{for $foo=1 to 3}

   var myVar = {$myPhpVar}; 