Well, I'm having a very weird issue that's only happening on Samsung Browser. On Chrome and other browsers, this works well.
When I take a snapshot of a current frame of a video (Currently the mobile camera) on javascript I get the image with distortion and generally bad.
The code that takes the snapshot is:
function takeSnapshot() {
// Here we're using a trick that involves a hidden canvas element.
var hidden_canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
context = hidden_canvas.getContext('2d');
var width = video.videoWidth,
height = video.videoHeight;
if (width && height) {
// Setup a canvas with the same dimensions as the video.
hidden_canvas.width = width;
hidden_canvas.height = height;
// Make a copy of the current frame in the video on the canvas.
context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, width, height);
// Turn the canvas image into a dataURL that can be used as a src for our photo.
return hidden_canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg');
Do I'm missing something else to make it work in Samsung Browser? Or I just put a message that this is not compatible with this browser? Currently tested on Samsung Galaxy S9, Android 10.
------------- Update
I found what is causing the image to be captured badly. I'm using custom size for the image, in this case, is a horizontal rectangle. I do this when init the video:
var w = 2000; // This renders the video as a horizontal rectangle, this does the issue.
var h = 1200;
var userAgent = (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent) || '';
var isSamsungBrowser = userAgent.indexOf('SamsungBrowser') >= 0;
// Quick fix:
if(SamsungBrowser){ // If I render as vertical renctangle, the issue is gone.
w = 1200;
h = 2000;
deviceId: videoSource ? { exact: videoSource } : undefined,
width: { ideal: h },
height: { ideal: w }
// Success Callback
function (stream) {
// Create an object URL for the video stream and
// set it as src of our HTLM video element.
try {
currentStream = stream;
video.srcObject = stream;
} catch (error) {
video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream);
window.stream = stream;
// Play the video element to start the stream.
video.onplay = function () {