We know that ListExpression
has a method ObjectBinding<E> valueAt(ObservableIntegerValue)
. We can use this method to listen to an element of a ListProperty
I expect it will both bind to the ListProperty
and the ObservableNumberValue
. So either the list changes or the observable number value changes will make the binding invalid and recompute. But in the following code, the binding is computed only once! (Actually twice, if we don't ignore the initial computation)
The label will display a random string at the beginning. And the property
will have 100 Bean as the initial value. If we click button1
, the indexProperty
will increase by 1. If we click button2
, the Bean located at the current index of the ListProperty will change. Both effects will make the binding invalid and recompute the label text.
But in practice, the text will change the first time when one button is clicked. And will not change anymore.
I'm using Liberica JDK17 which contains jmods of JavaFX by default.
class FixmeApp : Application() {
companion object {
fun genRandomDouble(): Double = Math.random() * 10000
fun genRandomString(): String = genRandomDouble().roundToInt().toString(36)
class Bean {
val stringProperty = SimpleStringProperty(genRandomString())
val doubleProperty = SimpleDoubleProperty(genRandomDouble())
val property: ListProperty<Bean> = SimpleListProperty(FXCollections.observableArrayList(Bean()))
override fun start(primaryStage: Stage) {
property.addAll((0..100).map { Bean() })
val indexProperty = SimpleIntegerProperty(0)
val label = Label().apply {
{ genRandomString() },
val button1 = Button("Change Index").apply {
setOnAction {
indexProperty.set(indexProperty.get() + 1)
val button2 = Button("Change Bean").apply {
setOnAction {
property[indexProperty.get()] = Bean()
val scene = Scene(BorderPane().apply {
center = label
bottom = HBox(button1, button2)
primaryStage.scene = scene
fun main() {
By the way, if we change the binding dependencies from property.valueAt(indexProperty)
to property, indexProperty
, the code will run as we expected.
In my program, the binding will return the property of Bean at the location indexProperty.get() of property
Edit (by James_D):
To increase the audience for this question, here is (to the best of my knowledge) a translation of this example to Java.
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings;
import javafx.beans.property.*;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import java.util.Random;
public class FixMeApp extends Application {
private final Random rng = new Random();
private final ListProperty<Bean> property = new SimpleListProperty<>(FXCollections.observableArrayList());
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
for (int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++) property.add(new Bean());
var index = new SimpleIntegerProperty(0);
var label = new Label();
var button1 = new Button("Change Index");
button1.setOnAction(e -> index.set(index.get() + 1));
var button2 = new Button("Change bean");
button2.setOnAction(e -> property.set(index.get(), new Bean()));
var root = new BorderPane(label);
root.setBottom(new HBox(button1, button2));
var scene = new Scene(root);
private double generateRandomDouble() {
return rng.nextDouble() * 10000 ;
private String generateRandomString() {
return Integer.toString((int) generateRandomDouble());
class Bean {
private StringProperty stringProperty = new SimpleStringProperty(generateRandomString());
private DoubleProperty doubleProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty(generateRandomDouble());
StringProperty stringProperty() { return stringProperty; }
DoubleProperty doubleProperty() { return doubleProperty; }
public static void main(String[] args) {
I'm going to reply in Java, as I'm more familiar with it. The reasoning applies to kotlin too.
Bindings.createStringBinding(function, dependencies)
creates a binding that is invalidated any time any of the dependencies are invalidated. Here "invalidated" means "changes from a valid state to an invalid state". The problem with your code is that you define the dependency asproperty.valueAt(index)
, which is a binding to which you have no other reference.When you change either the index or the bean at that index in the list, then the binding becomes invalid. Since you never compute the value of that binding again, it never becomes valid again (i.e. it never holds, or has returned, a valid value). So subsequent changes will not change its validation state (it is simply still invalid; it cannot transition from valid to invalid).
Changing the code to
doesn't help: you have one binding used for the dependency (whose value is never computed, so it is never returned to a valid state) and a different binding each time the value is computed. The value of the binding used as the dependency is never computed, so it is never returned to a valid state, and consequently can never become invalidated again.
will work. Here the computation of the text forces
to compute its current value, returning it to a valid state. Then subsequent changes to the index or the list will invalidatebean
again, triggering recomputation of the binding to whichtext
is bound.I think the kotlin translation of this is
You can experiment with other variations. This one doesn't update more than once, because
is never validated:Whereas this one forces validation, so it always updates: