I'm trying to write a program that modifies fractions and I need to make sure that the "-" negative is properly outputted only once. If the user inputs a numerator and a denominator and puts them both in as a negative I cannot show -1/-2. Same with only one negative, I cannot show 1/-2. The solution that I've come up with is to remove the negatives from both the num and den by using Math.abs and then add the negative during the output IF Math.abs only had to be utilized once. If it was utilized twice I will include logic to only output the num and den with the negative removed. How do I keep a count of how often the Math.abs was utilized and also prevent having a false positive show up when the user enters a positive number for either the num or den or both.
My code at the moment only does the work of converting to an absolute value so I have nothing to show for keeping a count.
snum = Math.abs(num);
*Where num is the user inputted number and snum is the abs converted number.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, INGUES