I am writing a core Java application (JDK 11) which should record audio and video. After extensive trial & error with various libs I managed to get both running using the deprecated Xuggler library.
However, recording audio in decent quality still remains a problem. I manage to get recordings as short[] samples and encode these, but for some reason they are cut off by the TargetDataLine at amplitude 127. I can increase them for encoding by simply multiplying them with a factor, but any recording detail above 127 is lost to noise. Ie. I can wispre into the microphone and amplify it after the fact (loud or normal speech is lost). Unfortunately I cannot control the FloatControl.Type.MASTER_GAIN in java as no control type seems to be supported by AudioSystem (if that could potentially fixed the issue);
How can I capture the full sound / sample amplitude from TargetDataLine and not get cut off at 127?
Research pointed me to the following useful threads:
How to get Audio for encoding using Xuggler
How to set volume of a SourceDataLine in Java
Java algorithm for normalizing audio
Here is my code:
private static void startRecordingVideo() {
// total duration of the media
long duration = DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT.convert(1, SECONDS);
// video parameters
//Dimension size = WebcamResolution.QVGA.getSize();
BufferedImage img = webCamImageStream.get();
final int videoStreamIndex = 0;
final int videoStreamId = 0;
final long frameRate = DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT.convert(2, MILLISECONDS);
// audio parameters
TargetDataLine mic = null;
final int audioStreamIndex = 1;
final int audioStreamId = 0;
final int channelCount = 2; //1 mono 2Stereo
final int sampleRate = 44100; // Hz
final int sampleSizeInBits = 16; // bit in sample
final int frameSizeInByte = 4;
final int sampleCount = 588; //CD standard (588 lines per frame)
// the clock time of the next frame
long nextFrameTime = 0;
// the total number of audio samples
long totalSampleCount = 0;
// create a media writer and specify the output file
final IMediaWriter writer = ToolFactory.makeWriter("capture.mp4");
// add the video stream
writer.addVideoStream(videoStreamIndex, videoStreamId,
img.getWidth(), img.getHeight());
// add the audio stream
writer.addAudioStream(audioStreamIndex, audioStreamId,
channelCount, sampleRate);
//define audio format
AudioFormat audioFormat = new AudioFormat(
DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine.class, audioFormat);
AudioInputStream audioInputStream = null;
try {
mic = (TargetDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
mic.open(audioFormat, mic.getBufferSize());
// Adjust the volume on the output line.
if (mic.isControlSupported(FloatControl.Type.MASTER_GAIN)) {
FloatControl gain = (FloatControl) mic.getControl(FloatControl.Type.MASTER_GAIN);
gain.setValue(-10.0f); // attempt to Reduce volume by 10 dB.
}else {
System.out.println("Not supported in my case :'( ");
audioInputStream = new AudioInputStream(mic);
} catch (Exception e) {
// loop through clock time, which starts at zero and increases based
// on the total number of samples created thus far
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
//duration = frameRate;
recordingVideo = true;
System.out.println("Audio Buffer size : " + mic.getBufferSize());
coverImage = webCamImageStream.get();
int frameCount = 0;
//IGNOR Complexity of for Loop*******************************************************************
for (long clock = 0; clock < duration; clock = IAudioSamples.samplesToDefaultPts(totalSampleCount, sampleRate)){
// while the clock time exceeds the time of the next video frame,
// get and encode the next video frame
while (frameCount * clock >= nextFrameTime) {
BufferedImage image = webCamImageStream.get();
IConverter converter = ConverterFactory.createConverter(image, IPixelFormat.Type.YUV420P);
IVideoPicture frame = converter.toPicture(image, (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) * 1000);
writer.encodeVideo(videoStreamIndex, frame);
nextFrameTime += frameRate;
//##################################### Audio Recording section #######################################
int factor = 2;
byte[] audioBytes = new byte[mic.getBufferSize() ]; // best size?
int numBytesRead = 0;
try {
numBytesRead = audioInputStream.read(audioBytes, 0, audioBytes.length);
//error is probably here as it is only reading up to 127
} catch (IOException e) {
numBytesRead = mic.read(audioBytes, 0, audioBytes.length);
// max for normalizing
short rawMax = Short.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < numBytesRead; ++i) {
short value = audioBytes[i];
rawMax = (short) Math.max(rawMax, value);
//127 is max input amplitude (microphone could go higher but its cut off) ###############################
//values at and over 127 are static noises
System.out.println("MAX = " +rawMax );
// convert to signed shorts representing samples
int volumeGainfactor = 2;
int numSamplesRead = numBytesRead / factor;
short[] audioSamples = new short[ numSamplesRead ];
if (audioFormat.isBigEndian()) {
for (int i = 0; i < numSamplesRead; i++) {
audioSamples[i] = (short)((audioBytes[factor*i] << 8) | audioBytes[factor*i + 1]);
else {
for (int i = 0; i < numSamplesRead; i++) {
audioSamples[i] = (short)(((audioBytes[factor*i + 1] ) << 8) |(audioBytes[factor*i])) ;
//normalization -> does not help (issue lies in Max read value)
//short targetMax = 127; //maximum volume
//Normalization method
double maxReduce = 1 - targetMax/(double)rawMax;
int abs = Math.abs(audioSamples[i]);
double factor1 = (maxReduce * abs/(double)rawMax);
audioSamples[i] = (short) Math.round((1 - factor1) * audioSamples[i]);
//##################################### END Audio Recording Section #####################################
writer.encodeAudio(audioStreamIndex, audioSamples, clock,
//extend duration if video is not terminated
if(!recordingVideo) {break;}
else {duration += 22675;} //should never catch up to duration
// 22675 = IAudioSamples.samplesToDefaultPts(588, sampleRate)
//totalSampleCount += sampleCount;
totalSampleCount = sampleCount;
// manually close the writer
Debug Print Example:
MAX = 48 (is recorded)
MAX = 127 (is static noise)
Ok so it seems like I managed to fix it through trial and error & This post:
reading wav/wave file into short[] array
The issue was with the conversion of byte[] (origin) to short[].