java.lang.NoSuchMethodError in Kotlin Script

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I wrote a little piece of code using in Kotlin (Github Repository Link). I wrote it in a standard gradle project and it works perfectly fine.

fun main() {
    val result = skrape(HttpFetcher) {
        request {
            this.url = ""

        response {
            document.a {
                findFirst {


Output is: {More information...=}

However when I try to run the code as a Kotlin script like this, it no longer works. The file is called test.main.kts and I run it using kotlin test.main.kts:


import it.skrape.core.document
import it.skrape.fetcher.HttpFetcher
import it.skrape.fetcher.response
import it.skrape.fetcher.skrape
import it.skrape.selects.html5.a

val result = skrape(HttpFetcher) {
    request {
        this.url = ""

    response {
        document.a {
            findFirst {


I get the following exception:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ''
    at it.skrape.selects.DomTreeElement.applySelector$html_parser(DomTreeElement.kt:90)
    at it.skrape.selects.CssSelector.applySelector$html_parser(CssSelector.kt:22)
    at it.skrape.selects.CssSelectable.findAll(CssSelectable.kt:36)
    at it.skrape.selects.CssSelectable.findByIndex(CssSelectable.kt:39)
    at it.skrape.selects.CssSelectable.findFirst(CssSelectable.kt:58)
    at it.skrape.selects.CssSelectable.findFirst(CssSelectable.kt:101)
    at it.skrape.selects.CssSelectable.findFirst$default(CssSelectable.kt:100)....

How can that be? Shouldn't it just run the same? It's such a minimal example.

kotlin -version gives this output: Kotlin version 1.6.21-release-334 (JRE 11.0.13+8-LTS)


There are 2 answers

Juraj Martinka On

It might be that you have multiple different versions of jsoup library on the classpath and they conflict with each other - when you are it with Gradle it works (probably a coincidence) but when you try it as kotlin script another (very old) version of the library gets preference and it breaks.

It would be a funny coincidence but I found that the Elements#select method was called filter for a while:

I suggest you examine a dependency tree of your project - I don't use Gradle, but it seems that gradlew app:dependencies --scan should do the job:

If you see jsoup library in the output multiple times then check what versions are brought in and if that can cause the conflict.

Damiano On

The problem is very probably related to the Kotlin Main Kts module embedding (parts of) a few libraries, starting from version 1.6.0. You can see the difference in size for example:

I don't understand why these external libraries haven't been shaded / relocated.
Actually, some of them have been relocated under org.jetbrains.kotlin: kotlin-main-kts.jar contents

But unfortunately not JSoup and SLF4J — precisely the 2 libraries that I use in my app...

See a related issue reported on

I've just opened a bug report at JetBrains: