java.lang.NoSuchFieldException error from jacoco

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I am trying to run the tests of the kotlin code provided from here : with gradlew

I got the error listed below. Could someone tell me what this error means ?

> Task :test FAILED
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
FATAL ERROR in native method: processing of -javaagent failed, processJavaStart failed
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at java.instrument/sun.instrument.InstrumentationImpl.loadClassAndStartAgent(
        at java.instrument/sun.instrument.InstrumentationImpl.loadClassAndCallPremain(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Class java/lang/UnknownError could not be instrumented.
        at org.jacoco.agent.rt.internal_c13123e.core.runtime.ModifiedSystemClassRuntime.createFor(
        at org.jacoco.agent.rt.internal_c13123e.core.runtime.ModifiedSystemClassRuntime.createFor(
        at org.jacoco.agent.rt.internal_c13123e.PreMain.createRuntime(
        at org.jacoco.agent.rt.internal_c13123e.PreMain.premain(
        ... 6 more
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: $jacocoAccess
        at java.base/java.lang.Class.getField(
        at org.jacoco.agent.rt.internal_c13123e.core.runtime.ModifiedSystemClassRuntime.createFor(
        ... 9 more
*** java.lang.instrument ASSERTION FAILED ***: "result" with message agent load/premain call failed at  line: 422


There are 8 answers

julianm On

Fixed this error changing Java SDK in my project from 14 to 11 and my tests started working fine.

Solution: IntellijIDEA: File > Project Structure > Project Tab > SDK adopt-opendjdk-11 (in my case for Ubuntu).

Oh! Make sure Gradle Settings are also using the same JVM! enter image description here enter image description here

Hope that helps someone out there.

Rkumar On

I had similar issue when I upgraded my jdk1.8 to openjdk11 but it was solved by updating the toolVersion = "0.8.6" (used toolVersion = "0.8.1" with jdk1.8)

Emile Achadde On

The issue comes from the Java version which needs not to be too recent.

sdk install java

makes things ok.

Josef Vancura On

Fix in my case was to download and install Java 8 (jdk1.8.0_301) and set it in Project Settings

enter image description here

Jimson James On

Ensure you are using JDK-11, if using maven, ensure;


Ensure you are using latest jacoco.

tschumann On

I was missing the following from my build.gradle:

jacoco {
    toolVersion = "0.8.6"

While obvious, build.gradle can inherit properties from other gradle files and for reasons I can't figure out, jacoco was passing through in to one subproject but not to another.

Sam YC On

For my case, I am having java 11 and 17 in my machine, and my JAVA_HOME is poiting to java 17, although I have specify java 11 in my gradle like below:

sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11


jacoco {
    toolVersion = "0.8.2"

I still faced the same issue, so I updated my JAVA_HOME to point it to the location of my java SDK 11, then it is working fine.

yuvaraj On

After followed below steps it's working fine for me.

In Eclipse,Go to Window--Preferences--java.Right-click on installed JRE. There add an installed JDK path & remove others.