java jpa SqlResultSetMapping issue

163 views Asked by At

I have a table form_header with 3 records

enter image description here

There are more fields in the table decided not to add it here in the post since most are irrelevant. I created a class/entity to get the count with distinct for each status in sql.

@Table(name = "Form_Header")
@SqlResultSetMapping(name = "myMapping", 
    entities = {@EntityResult(
            entityClass = FormSummary.class, 
            fields = {@FieldResult(name = "status", column = "status"),
                    @FieldResult(name = "id", column = "header_id")})})
public class FormSummary {

private Long id;

private String status;

<getter and setter>

with entity manager

        List<FormSummary> results  = entityManager.createNativeQuery("select DISTINCT(status), COUNT(header_id) as header_id from Form_Header where is_deleted = 0 group by status order by status", "myMapping").getResultList();
        for (FormSummary x : results) {
            System.out.println("ABC " + x.getId());
            System.out.println("ABC " + x.getStatus());

Issue is the sysout is showing this

enter image description here

instead of this

status  header_id

Whats even weird is if I add an extra record in the table with the same status

enter image description here

I will get the correct data in my jpa

enter image description here

Am I missing something in my code or a possible bug with SqlResultSetMapping?


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