I'm facing a problem with java generics. My plan is to implement a binary search tree (key & value) with generics with total ordering. I started by creating this KeyValPair
and faced the problem of getting the right compareTo method.
public class KeyValPair <V extends Comparable<V>>
implements Comparable<KeyValPair<V>>{
private int key;
private V value;
private KeyValPair<V> leftchild;
private KeyValPair<V> rightchild;
public KeyValPair(int k,V v){
public Comparable<?> getKey(){
return key;
public Comparable<?> getValue(){
return value;
public void setRightChild(KeyValPair<V> r){
public KeyValPair<V> getRightChild(KeyValPair<V> r){
return rightchild;
public void setLeftChild(KeyValPair<V> l){
public KeyValPair<V> getLeftChild(KeyValPair<V> l){
return leftchild;
public int compareTo(KeyValPair<V> toComp) {
return -1;
}else if(this.getValue().compareTo(toComp.getValue())==0){
return 0;
return 1;
The if sentences in compareTo
are not acceppted and I think it's because of the fact that I overrode the compareTo
, but how should I compare generics?
Also tried Comparable
instead of K
with same result.
Best Regards
EDIT: What compiler says: Multiple markers at this line - The method compareTo(capture#1-of ?) in the type Comparable is not applicable for the arguments (Comparable) - Line breakpoint:KeyValPair [line: 39] - compareTo(KeyValPair)
public class KeyValPair{
private int key;
private Comparable<?> value;
private KeyValPair leftchild;
private KeyValPair rightchild;
public KeyValPair(int k,Comparable<?> v){
public Comparable<?> getKey(){
return key;
public Comparable<?> getValue(){
return value;
public void setRightChild(KeyValPair r){
public KeyValPair getRightChild(KeyValPair r){
return rightchild;
public void setLeftChild(KeyValPair l){
public KeyValPair getLeftChild(KeyValPair l){
return leftchild;
Now i updated the code of the KEYVALPAIR, but if i test it with my BST Class with method adder as example:
private void adder(KeyValPair current,KeyValPair toInsert) {
it throws: The method compareTo(capture#2-of ?) in the type Comparable is not applicable for the arguments (Comparable)
I solved it by putting KEYVALPAIR as inner class to BST and use V extends Comparable. Works now, thanks for your help.
You don't need to cast key or value to comparable since
is required to be comparable already. Doing so just makes it harder to use your class because now you have just aComparable
instead of usable values or keys.You should also consider to relax the requirement that
must implementComparable<V>
would allow e.g. classes like
Apple extends Fruit implements Comparable<Fruit>
- those can still be ordered if they are comparable to super types.