I tried to get the twitter followers using the screen name. But i am able to get only my followers screen names where as i am expecting the followers of my followers. But i didn't found any supported method for this.
My code is as follows.
TwitterFactory factory = new TwitterFactory();
Twitter twitter = factory.getInstance();
twitter.setOAuthConsumer(consumerKey, consumerSecret);
AccessToken accessToken = new AccessToken(twitterToken, twitterSecret);
String twitterScreenName = twitter.getScreenName();
IDs followerIDs = twitter.getFollowersIDs(twitterScreenName, -1);
long[] ids = followerIDs.getIDs();
for (long id : ids) {
twitter4j.User user = twitter.showUser(id);
//here i am trying to fetch the followers of each id
System.out.println("Name: " + user.getScreenName());
System.out.println("Location:" + user.getLocation());
Can anyone please help me in this.
You will need to do the nesting over here. You are just getting the list of current users followers. But you need to get the list of followers of your followers.
Sample code is as below: