I am trying to change the saturation of an image by a certain amount but I am getting some strange results. I am using the following code
// shiftAmount should be a float value between -1 and 1
public static int[] saturation( int[] pixels, float shiftAmount )
int[] newPixels = new int[ pixels.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++ )
// get HSB color values
Color rgb = new Color( pixels[ i ] );
float[] hsb = Color.RGBtoHSB( rgb.getRed(), rgb.getGreen(), rgb.getBlue(), null );
float hue = hsb[ 0 ];
float saturation = hsb[ 1 ];
float brightness = hsb[ 2 ];
// shift
saturation += shiftAmount;
if( saturation > 1f )
saturation = 1f;
else if( saturation < 0f )
saturation = 0f;
// convert HSB color back
newPixels[ i ] = Color.HSBtoRGB( hue, saturation, brightness );
return newPixels;
Below is an example of 80% saturation shift in another image editing software (Aseprite) and one where I did it with my own code (using 0.8f).
What it looks like when I use Aseprite
What it looks like using my own code
As you can see, in the last image the colors are very distorted. Does anyone know how to solve this?