I think my problem is solved super easy. I have 2 possible intents and both use their Default category to get seen by chooser, but if i want to put extra the chooser won't even start!
Both have in manifest.xml
1 <activity
2 android:name=".OneActivity"
3 android:label="OA">
4 <intent-filter>
5 <action android:name="specialpackage.package.LOCALIZE"/>
6 <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
7 </intent-filter>
8 </activity>
and inside the Activity:
1 Intent intent = Intent.createChooser(new Intent("specialpackage.package.LOCALIZE"), "App auswählen:");
2 intent.putExtra("someNotes", currentNote); //Is defined and not important
3 intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("notes", notes);
4 startActivity(intent);
(ArrayList<DBH.Note> notes = helper.getNotes(currentProject);)
If i comment out 2 and 3 it works and let me choose my apps. If i dont use the chooser and putExtra and ParcelableArrayListExtra on simpel intent with .OneActivity it works ._.
I'm allowed to only change in the manifest and this class ._. maybe startActivityOnResult somehow? Already tried and didn't work.
1 Intent testintent = new Intent("specialpackage.package.LOCALIZE");
2 testintent.putExtra("current note", currentNote);
3 testintent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("notes", notes);
4 Intent intent = Intent.createChooser(testintent, "App auswählen:");
5 startActivity(intent);
Not working, too :D As i said without putExtra it works, but if i use putExtra in Debugger it puts the Extra on the intent but on startActivity it says android is closing repeatedly (sry bad english im german xD)