JADClipse not working with Eclipse 3.6

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Does Jadclipse work on Eclipse 3.6?

I have installed Jadclipse 3.3.0 on my Eclipse 3.6 by copying the jar into the plugins directory and restated eclipse.

Now I have the jadclipse menu under Windows->Preferences but when trying to de-compile any class it simply does not de-compile. I get the usual eclipse screen saying the source is unavailable. There are no errors in the Error Log.

Any idea?


There are 6 answers


I eventually found the answer here.

Running eclipse with -clean switch and setting the file association between *.class and the jadclipse plug-in solved the problem.

Achu22 On

I had the issues on mac with STS and was able to fix it with below process.

  1. Download JADClipse plugin jar and copy it to plugins folder of Eclipse.

  2. Download JAD decompiler and unzip it into a folder on your mac. Set java decompiler to JAD. Eclipse->Preferences->Java->Decompiler->Select JAD Eclipse->Preferences->Java->JADClipse->Path to decompiler (/Users/test/Desktop/JavaDecompiler/jad158g.mac.intel/jad)

Select file associations for .class and .class with out source to default JADClipse class viewer.

Restart Eclipse and it should work.

References -> http://hemantasapkota.github.io/posts/setting-up-jadclipse-and-jad-java-decompiler-in-eclipse/


Subba Reddy Evuri On

Set the JAD path correctly in Preferances>Java>Jad. Ex: D:\Jad\jad.exe

If still not working then,

Go to File extensions in Preferences. Select JadClipse as default editor for .class and .class with out source.

user3619878 On

I had the same problem. Just check if the JadEclipse Class File Viewer is the default viewer for "Class without source" in Preferences -> General -> Editors -> File Associations.

kranti On

Download jad.exe and then in eclipse there are 2 places to configure.

  1. Window->Preferences->java->JadClipse give the path of jad.exe in Path to decompiler like C:\Users\Documents\xxx\jad.exe. then Apply
  2. Window->Preferences->General->Editors->File Associations. Click on *.class and in below dialog box there should be JadClipse Class File Viewer(default). If not click on Add...
    add JadClipse as default file viewer.
  3. Do the same for *.class without source as well.
arjun kumar On

The main reason is that you eclipse have default class viewer configured for class file which you have to change to your new class decompiler.

go to preference > editor > choose "class without source" and select your tool and mark as default. will work for you :)