I know about the alternate price tiers that can be chosen from, but apart from the alternate tiers, there are two additional tiers appearing in iTunes connect called "1b" and "2b" (see picture below). I could not find these additional tiers in any documentation ... !?
It's defiantly not the alternate A B tiers, as these are appearing at the end of the list (see picture below).
In the application loader these additional price tiers 1b and 2b are not showing up:
I'm a bit uncertain if I should choose "1" or "1b"!? What is the difference? So it would be great if someone can help me with this.
The additional tier category is occuring, because you have a specific deployment country, which offers a finer grained price tier set. E.G: CHina has got for Price tier 1: 1 ¥ and for Price tier 1b: 3¥ Whilst the US just got 1 tier with $0.99
There is a release note from Apple, informing about the fact: https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=01272016a
You can see a great overview of all different tiers, countries and currencies on a page hosted by equinux: http://www.equinux.com/us/appdevelopers/pricematrix.html
Which basically accumulates all information from apples notes: https://itunespartner.apple.com/assets/downloads/Apps_PricingSchedule_January2016.pdf